Monday, December 23, 2019
Sleep Deprivation Essay - 721 Words
Sleep deprivation is something that has visited everyone at least once in your lifetime, whether you are a student, new time parents, have a night job, in the military, it comes and goes. I have dealt with sleep deprivation for around 5 years now. Growing up in an active family I have always had a hard time sleeping, especially when I had stayed in for the day. Starting up high school was the worse time for my sleep deprivation to kick up. I was balancing home school, volunteer work, and was also trying to have a well kept social life. Not getting enough sleep was the worst thing that I did for my body. I began to grow moody and often snapped on anyone around me. My weight began to decrease and I didnt have much energy to do things that I†¦show more content†¦Sleep is important as it helps you keep your body healthy and full of energy. Your body seems to almost shrink when not given the proper sleep. You dont retain the nutrients that you need to keep in order to keep your w eight and energy up. With this you can do more than you use to, wont be able to lift as much and will not be able to do straining activities like you use to. This can often lead to stress and on occasion fights with family members as it seems like you arent doing your best to them. This can lead you into multiple of things as well as jumble up your emotions. I find that when I go more than two days without enough sleep I get moody, often angry and snap on anyone near me. Often times I get sad and an instant later I am happy. It also strains relationships with anyone. You get friends that constantly want to go out and have fun, friends that want to go watch a movie or friends that grow irritated when you stop talking to them. It messes with you emotionally and messes with how you think and react to certain things. In my personal experience I often find myself depressed at times or slow to react to things that I am normally able to react fast to. Cargill 3 College students can get more sleep by not procrastinating on their homework, setting an organized schedule with everything thing that is going on in their personal life and school. In between classes students can pull out a computer or go to the library to finishShow MoreRelatedSleep Deprivation Essay3848 Words  | 16 PagesAbstract Sleep is one of our basic needs to survive, however in the modern days sleep deprivation in increasing more and more each day, causing accidents and medical problems for the people and the community. This essay will look at the meaning of sleep and sleep deprivation and the basic perspectives on what motivates sleep and sleep deprivation with the five perspectives; evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive and the hierarchy of needs. 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