Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Ford Of The Automobile Industry - 3380 Words
Introduction Ford was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated in June 16, 1903. Ford is famously known for popularizing the assembly line with the production of the T-Model Ford. In addition to the Ford brand, the corporation also includes their luxury vehicle line Lincoln. From 1938-2011 Mercury was also a part of the Ford fleet of cars. During the financial crisis of 2009, Ford was one of the few American car companies that avoided bankruptcy. They have since grown to be the second largest U.S. based car manufacturer, and the fifth largest in Europe. Industry and Customer Value The customer base for automobiles is diverse and has different requirements and desires for automobiles. The auto industry has recognized these requirements and desires and manufactures various models to accommodate the customers. Ford is a true innovator in the automobile industry. They have made such headway mainly because they figured out to mass produce their cars quickly, thereby making it affordable to the customer base. Ford has made great strides in rebranding what value means to their customer. There are several factors that customers deem valuable when selecting a Ford automobile: Price- Although Ford produces a range of affordable automobiles suitable for every customer, one thing that Ford has done is officially lower the recommended price list on all of its medium and small cars. Dependability- Ford has prided itself on the dependability of its cars. In an effort toShow MoreRelatedFord and the World Automobile Industry1516 Words  | 7 Pages1. Changes in the structure of the auto industry The 1965-1972 automobile industry was a low competitive environment, and as a consequence was a profitable industry. Indeed, during this period: ï€ ¼ Industry rivalry was rather low: ï€ ´ The automotive market was fragmented into separate national markets and the primary concern of manufacturers was their domestic sales. As a consequence only a few competitor were disputing each market. ï€ ´ The supply was meeting the demand in a correct manner: the productionRead MoreFord Motor Company : The Automobile Industry859 Words  | 4 Pagesthe most impacted industries was the automobile industry. The Big Three – General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler were financially struggling to survive in the market. At this time, the Federal government worked closely with the Big Three in providing $17.4 billion worth of loans to cover operational costs for the companies. One major rival from the pack that withdrew the loan from the government was Ford Motor Company. Although Ford sales had been decreasing 20% from 2007-2008, Ford had prepared themselvesRead MoreEssay on Evolution of the Automobile Industry and Henry Ford1370 Words  | 6 PagesEvolution of the Automobile Industry and Henry Ford Henry Ford, the high priest of efficiency, was the tinkerer-craftsman who produced one of many horseless carriages, the automobile. Nearly three years after his only son was born in 1893, Ford succeeded in producing his first car. After months of vigorous work and two final sleepless nights, the Quadricycle tolled out of Fords garage. The Quadricycle was a primitive machine, with a tiller for a steering wheel, bicycle tires, a bicycleRead MoreFord s Organizational Changes Of The Automobile Industry2459 Words  | 10 PagesOrganizational Behavior November 14, 2014 â€Æ' Introduction Background – Henry Ford Founded in 1903, Henry Ford managed to get investor support to open the first manufacturing automobile company in Detroit, Michigan. Ford Motor Company has been known for its mass production of vehicles using a perfected assembly line method and its innovations in the automobile industry. Ford’s famous Model-T was developed as an innovative automobile that could be produced quickly, while keeping the cost to a minimum. ThisRead MoreFord Motor Co : An Active Automobile Industry1306 Words  | 6 Pages Executive Summary: The USA has an active automobile industry, and this is attributed to the availability of a market for the cars. â€Å"In 2015, the auto sales record were broken in the USA, a new record of 1,641,913 vehicles were sold up from 1,507,229 in 2014. Ford Motor Co. was among the top sellers with their sales standing at 237, 606†(Automotive News, 2016). The quality of automobiles in the USA has been improving thanks to the policies adopted by the government and the competition betweenRead MoreAnalysis of Ford and the World Automobile Industry in 2007678 Words  | 3 Pagesof Ford and the world Automobile Industry: STEEP ANALYSIS: 1.Sociocultural: A few sociocultural factors have led back the automobile industry. Ford had suffered 10% fall in unit sales year on year with sharp declines in sales due to inaffective execution of the companies strartegies. The survival of ford depends critically on yhe state of the world auto industry. 2. Technological: Earlier horseless carriages were used as a source of conveyance. With the upgradation of technology the Ford ModelRead MoreThe United States Progress and Henry Ford Automobile Industry897 Words  | 4 PagesHenry Ford are what really allowed the country to become what it has. At the start of the 20th century Henry Ford sought after a way to quickly and affordably assemble a motor vehicle that would be viable and feasible to the working middle-class of America. By constructing and designing the Ford Model-T, he was able to change the way American’s commute from 1908 to present day. The production of the affordable Model-T changed the face of American travel evermore. Tin Lizzie, T-Model Ford, ModelRead MoreThe Invention Of The Automobile Industry1450 Words  | 6 Pagesinnovative inventions of the 19th century was the invention of the automobile. It is clear that the automobile industry has changed the way people and goods travel. The industry basely existed until a man named Henry Ford made the automobile accessible to the public. He put into full motion what we now know today as the automobile industry. Henry Ford had both changed the automobile industry, as well as the manufacturing industry. Ford did this with the way he used the assembly line manufacturing techniqueRead MoreRisk Analysis. A Risk Analysis Was Prepared As Part Of1084 Words  | 5 PagesRisk Analysis A risk analysis was prepared as part of the review of Ford as a potential investment opportunity. The Capital Asset Pricing Model defines â€Å"the relevant risk of an individual stock as the amount of risk that the stock contributes to the market portfolio†(Brigham Ehrhardt, 2014, p. 250). The risk of a stock can be measured by its beta. The higher the beta of a stock, the higher the risk. Stocks with a beta below one are less volatile than the market while stocks with a beta of greaterRead MoreAutomobile Production Of The Automobile Industry Essay1415 Words  | 6 PagesCurrently, automobile production sits atop the pillars of the worlds industrial areas. Auto producers occupy four of the five biggest manufacturing organizations in the globe. Worldwide sales of automobiles equate to around $2 billion. In 2012, more than 80 million automobiles were produced and sold throughout the world, annually, to add to more than 1 billion automobiles in operation throughout the worl d. These figures highlight how essential automobiles have become in our lives. Automobiles are a vital
Monday, December 23, 2019
Sleep Deprivation Essay - 721 Words
Sleep deprivation is something that has visited everyone at least once in your lifetime, whether you are a student, new time parents, have a night job, in the military, it comes and goes. I have dealt with sleep deprivation for around 5 years now. Growing up in an active family I have always had a hard time sleeping, especially when I had stayed in for the day. Starting up high school was the worse time for my sleep deprivation to kick up. I was balancing home school, volunteer work, and was also trying to have a well kept social life. Not getting enough sleep was the worst thing that I did for my body. I began to grow moody and often snapped on anyone around me. My weight began to decrease and I didnt have much energy to do things that I†¦show more content†¦Sleep is important as it helps you keep your body healthy and full of energy. Your body seems to almost shrink when not given the proper sleep. You dont retain the nutrients that you need to keep in order to keep your w eight and energy up. With this you can do more than you use to, wont be able to lift as much and will not be able to do straining activities like you use to. This can often lead to stress and on occasion fights with family members as it seems like you arent doing your best to them. This can lead you into multiple of things as well as jumble up your emotions. I find that when I go more than two days without enough sleep I get moody, often angry and snap on anyone near me. Often times I get sad and an instant later I am happy. It also strains relationships with anyone. You get friends that constantly want to go out and have fun, friends that want to go watch a movie or friends that grow irritated when you stop talking to them. It messes with you emotionally and messes with how you think and react to certain things. In my personal experience I often find myself depressed at times or slow to react to things that I am normally able to react fast to. Cargill 3 College students can get more sleep by not procrastinating on their homework, setting an organized schedule with everything thing that is going on in their personal life and school. In between classes students can pull out a computer or go to the library to finishShow MoreRelatedSleep Deprivation Essay3848 Words  | 16 PagesAbstract Sleep is one of our basic needs to survive, however in the modern days sleep deprivation in increasing more and more each day, causing accidents and medical problems for the people and the community. This essay will look at the meaning of sleep and sleep deprivation and the basic perspectives on what motivates sleep and sleep deprivation with the five perspectives; evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive and the hierarchy of needs. This essay will also evaluate the best perspectiveRead MoreSleep Deprivation Essay883 Words  | 4 PagesOutline Sleeping Deprivation General Purpose: To inform. Specific purpose: Sleep is a precious gift that allows people to rest. Not getting enough rest on a constant basis can lead to greater problems, even death Organizational Pattern: Introduction I. Blame It On the Light Bulb.  College students and individuals around the world are suffering from a health problem that can be more detrimental to their health than some forms of cancer.  What is it?  Sleep Deprivation II. People areRead MoreSleep Deprivation Essay684 Words  | 3 PagesSleep Deprivation It’s seven thirty in the morning, the time that most American high schools begin class. Instead of being chipper and ready to learn, most teenagers, at this time of the morning, can barely remain awake. These puffy eyed pupils are by no means ready to learn. Sixty percent children under 18 reported being sleepy during the day, with another fifteen percent reporting that they had fallen asleep during the school day within the past year (National Sleep Foundation, Dozing)Read More Sleep Deprivation Essay874 Words  | 4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sleep deprivation has become a major problem with Americans. Over 100 million Americans today suffer from lack of sleep. This has been an ongoing problem throughout the centuries. People owe their bodies sleep and scientist are calling it a â€Å"Sleep debt†. An average American owes their body at least thirty hours of sleep. This lack of sleep is as hazardous as drunk driving. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One man caught sleep deprivation at it’s best. He pushed himselfRead MoreSleep deprivation Essay1760 Words  | 8 PagesSleep deprivation seems to be an increasing problem with people of all different age groups. It is related to many different health concerns. Nearly fifty percent of adults fail to get enough sleep. According to the national sleep foundation, teenagers need at least 9 hours of sleep a night, but 80% get a lot less than that. Due to the lack of sleep at least 28% of high schoolers fall asleep in class, 22% fall asleep while doing their homework and 14% arrive late or miss school entirely because theyRead MoreSleep Debt and Sleep Deprivation Essay822 Words  | 4 PagesWho Needs Sleep? People will die from from sleep deprivation before people die from food deprivation. It takes 2 weeks to starve, but only 10 days without sleep can kill people. Without sleep many of the people worldwide their daily functions will be taken away, such as remembering, retaining information and lastly you will be more prone to problem skin like acne. More than 78% of college and high school students pull all nighters at some point in their life in school. When pullin all nightersRead MoreCause And Effect Essay Sleep Deprivation1134 Words  | 5 Pages03/17/2016 Essay 4 Cause and Effect Essay Sleep Deprivation Cause and effect Essay Sleep deprivation Most people have at least stayed awake for the entire night once during their lifetime. This behavior is common amongst individuals enrolled in High School or pursuing University degree. One might wonder how lack of sleep for the night impact him/her. However, it has being proven that being awake for 24 hours has unpleasant effects on health.So why is sleep so important? How does lack of sleep impactRead MorePersuasive Essay On Sleep Deprivation1735 Words  | 7 Pagesmuch to realize that a great number of them lack sleep. Sleep deprivation has been and is currently a growing â€Å"epidemic†that is affecting human beings of all sizes and ages. It’s crucial, yet it has been thrown aside and we’ve completely disregarded its evident consequences that are taking its toll on our bodies. Sleep, an uncomplicated action that requires minimum effort, is vital to human life; though most people takes its importance lightly, sleep has an abundant amount of benefits: stro nger immuneRead MorePersuasive Essay On Sleep Deprivation1610 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction: Sleep is as essential to the human body as food and water, but sometimes sleep quality and quantity is inadequate and this is known as sleep deprivation (SD). Sleep deprived people are sleepy and fatigued making them prone to accidents, impairing their judgement and they are more likely to make mistakes and bad decisions. Not sleeping for 24 hours reduces hand-to-eye coordination, which can be compared to having a blood alcohol content of 0.1 and contributes to road accidents and workRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Sleep Deprivation768 Words  | 4 Pages Less Homework Endless hours. Sleep deprivation. Deadlines, cutoff dates and time limits. Welcome to the life of every student who has ever lived. When a class is about to end and the teacher announces the homework requirements, everybody wants to flee. â€Å"When school’s out, it should be OUT.†Homework has historically been given to students to reinforce what they learn at school and ultimately help them learn the material better. However, too much homework is not helpful, and can be counterproductive
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Brown versus Board of Education Free Essays
Brown versus the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas was one of a group of cases that was being brought before the Supreme Court in the early 1950’s by the NAACP to challenge the concept of â€Å"separate but equal. †The story began in 1950 when several parents went up against the Topeka school board that would only allow black children to attend one of the four segregated schools in the area. Oliver Brown was one of this group, having brought his daughter to the local school, tried to enroll her and was turned away (National Park Service, 10). We will write a custom essay sample on Brown versus Board of Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now The case was brought to court by the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, and was later combined with several other cases such as Briggs v. Elliot and Bolling v. Sharpe (National Park Service, 10). The NAACP brought the suit with the focus that school segregation was a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s clause that provided for equal protection. Its original purpose had been to ensure all blacks equal status as citizens of the United States after the Civil War (Martin 2). The legal team also put forth that when black children attended racially segregated schools, it caused them harm by creating a â€Å"stigma of inferiority (Martin 2). †This stigma was supported by research stating that racial segregation could have a harmful impact on a child’s development as they grew and on individual self-worth. There was even evidence presented of the bad effects that segregation could also have on whites (Martin, 11). The Supreme Court, under the leadership of Justice Earl Warren, found in favor of the plaintiff’s to end school segregation on May 17, 1954 (National Park Service 11-12). Overturning the precedent of Plessy v. Ferguson, which originally established the concept of separate but equal, Brown v. Board of Education opened up the doors of public and higher education to blacks all over the country. This also eventually opened up doors to new fields and opportunities that had once been closed off. Today, this landmark decision has been the basis for the Civil Rights movement that reached its zenith during the 1960’s and later groundbreaking legislation (National Park Service 14). It also laid the foundation for other equal rights movements, including the struggle by those with disabilities who wanted equal access to public facilities and end to job discrimination. American education now can offer a free and appropriate public education to all, regardless of color, race, disability or any other distinguishing factor. Just as children who were black were given the chance to attend integrated schools, the case laid the legal framework for later legislation such as the Individuals with Disabilities Act, or IDEA, that mandated educational standards and services for children with disabilities. Without Brown v. Board of Education laying the framework for these kinds of laws, other student populations would not have achieved the equality they have. The legacy of Brown is one of tolerance, equality and the lingering memory that in order to preserve the freedoms that we have, we sometimes have to fight for them. One avenue that freedom can be one in is the courtroom, where sweeping changes can be brought into reality. References Martin, Waldo E. Brown v. Board of Education: A Brief History with Documents. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1998. 23 May 2010 from http://books. google. com/books? id=KRxIUFnaFs8Cprintsec=frontcoverdq=br own+v. +board+of+educationcd=1#v=onepageqf=false Maruca, Mary. â€Å"Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site. †National Park Service. 23 May 2010 from http://www. nps. gov/history/history/online_books /brvb/brown. pdf How to cite Brown versus Board of Education, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Veldt by Ray Bradbury Veldt Essay Example For Students
The Veldt by Ray Bradbury Veldt Essay The Veldt by Ray Bradbury The story of The Veldt, is a delving into the issue of how modern technology can destroy the nuclear family. The editor of the Encounters book, John A. Rothermich comments that This story is almost devoid of characterization., I agree with this statement and think it is key to the plot of the story. The story begins with the mother of the family, who has quite a generic name. We are given no information of the characters background and how they came to the point in time they are now. The lines Happylife Home and the familiar room settings like the parents bedroom and the nursery give you a sense that this is a typical suburban home of the time. The mother seems alarmed or confused about something, the nursery is different now than it was, this at first might lead you to believe the mother has true individual characteristics. However, when you read on, you see the stereotyped reactions to every situation that comes about, the parents then say nothings too good for our children. Later in the story the parents discuss the problems of the incredible house and nursery, The house is wife, mother, and nursemaid, Can I compete with it?, and the father has a generic answer But I thought thats why we bought this house. The parents in the story look upon their childrens needs as services instead of ways of expressing any love or care. In the story we never learn anything about the children except for their obsession with the nursery, I dont want to do anything but look and listen and smell; what else is there to do?. When the parents tell the children the idea of shutting down the computerized house for a vacation, the children react shocked and stay with their one, single characteristic given, they act shocked Who will fry my eggs for me, or darn my socks?. You see then the childrens primary relationship is to the house and not the parents, the children exclaim I wish you were dead!. And sure enough, by the end of the story the children act on their on characteristic. This short story was published in the early 1950s, Using a major issue of the time. Ray Bradbury was trying to make a specific point about the dangers of the new directions of our society, Television was becoming a baby sitter to children in many homes. Busy parents were replacing their own affection and time for their children, with the goggle box. The story concentrates on how this relationship can eventually destroy the family, even in a future society. In order to do this, Mr. Bradbury concentrates on his point and reduces the characters into universal generic people.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Religion and Politics
Religion is closely related to politics in a number of ways. In the traditional society, religious leaders were both temporal and civil leaders. In 1648, a treaty of Westphalia was signed, which separated politics from the Church. However, religion has always influenced policy making process and decision-making in government. In many parts of the world, religious leaders influence political leaders to come up with policies that are in line with the provisions of religious beliefs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Religion and Politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the main question is how religion influences politics. In the United States, there is a clause in the Bill of Rights referred to as the disestablishment clause, which provides that politics must be kept separate from politics. In established democracies, somebody with questionable religious record stands no chance of being elected. The popula ce believes that a religious leader would always be willing to listen to the wishes of the majority (Settimba 9). A non-religious leader is believed to be indifferent to the sufferings of the majority in society. In other words, a non-religious leader would fulfill his or her own interests instead of serving those who elected him or her. During campaigns at state level in the United States, local leaders quote the Bible whenever they want to bring out a certain fact. In human life, each group has a belief system that is established with the help of religious values. These beliefs influence the political standpoint of an individual in a political system. The media will always evaluate the life of a politician using certain religious principles. These principles are derived from religious morals and beliefs. In this case, a candidate in an election is identified as a Christian or a Muslim. The religion of a political leader determines the number of votes he or she would gunner in an e lection. In the United States, politicians associate themselves with Christianity because a majority of voters are Christians. In the Arab world, a political leader must associate himself with Islam because it is a dominant religion in the region. Furthermore, the religious sects must be stated clearly before a political leader is elected. In other countries, religion is the major variable in every electioneering year. It is believed that certain religious affiliations are related to cultural beliefs that affect the performance of leaders in any political system. Recently, the issue of religion emerged in the United States when Obama was said to be a Muslim. Many people were much worried that Obama was a Muslim. Islam has always been associated with extremism meaning that Muslims are accused of using warped means to attain justice. It was feared that Obama could support Muslims once he became president. However, the president dispelled fears by declaring that he was indeed a Christi an. This nearly cost him the presidency (Johnstone 64).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is a popular belief among Christians that good leaders are usually sent by God. This is based on the Bible whereby many kings and prophets were sent by God to lead Israelites in the times of war and calamities. Political leaders have always presented themselves as leaders sent by God to accomplish certain missions. Through this, they have been able to ascend to leadership positions. Whenever political leaders make speeches, they quote the Bible to show the electorate that they understand the Christian principles. The idea that political leaders must come up with policies favoring the poor is based on the teachings of the Bible. The Bible and the Koran teaches that people must always be assisted to achieve their potentials in society. It is not the interest of the ruling class to help the poor. The main aim of the ruling class is to amass wealth and use the proletariat to ascend to power. Political parties that tend to favor the poor in their manifestos have always clinched political power. Social justice ideology is based on the teachings of the Bible because the poor must have equal access to resources including healthcare, education, and employment. Religious Fundamentalism Religious fundamentalism was first used in the United States to refer to those individuals who opposed the principles of the mainstream church. Those who subscribed to the ideas of the Protestant Churches were perceived as religious fundamentalists. In other words, fundamentalism was interpreted to mean diverting from the mainstream faith. However, what should be clear is that fundamentalists had pertinent issues with the mainstream church since the mainstream church never allowed competition. Religious fundamentalists observed that it was critical to follow the teachings of the Bible inst ead of subscribing to the interpretations provided by the religious leaders. Religious leaders interpreted the teachings in the Bible to suit their interests. Many people were not happy with this behavior. The mainstream church interpreted the Bible in accordance to the new dynamics of the modern world. However, fundamentalists were never happy about this. They believed that it would be better to stick to the teachings of the Bible. In the modern society, fundamentalism is used loosely to mean diverting from the normal beliefs and principles of major religions (McGuire 76). Fundamentalism is a relatively new term in the sociology of religion because it was first used in the 19th century. The modern society is complex to understand because of the changes brought about globalization and technology. Therefore, fundamentalism in the modern society has a different meaning. Religion in the modern society serves a different purpose as compared to its role in the traditional society. Religi on is an instrument that brings people together.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Religion and Politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, it must be used to bring about understanding and unity. This implies that religious teachings are usually interpreted to simplify the complexities in life. Religious fundamentalists do not believe that anything has changed as far as religion is concerned. In this case, modern interpretations must not be accepted because they go against the traditional teachings of religion (Weber 22). When other people embrace change in society, religious fundamentalists encourage conservatism. To them, religion is absolute meaning that it dictates everything in society. There is a controversy among scholars regarding the use of the term because fundamentalists are perceived as people who are not intelligent. Others view them as uneducated individuals who believe religion is ever ything in society. Religious fundamentalists believe that some things should not be allowed to go on in society. For instance, they oppose science, abortion, feminism, the use of family planning drugs, and homosexuality. Recently, the term has been associated with Islamic extremists who believe that justice should be sought through terrorism and violence. For Islamic fundamentalists, the main problem in the world is exploitation. The west has always exploited people in other parts of the world, including the Middle East. To them, the main issue is that the west has always neglected the presence of Arabs. Works Cited Johnstone, Ronald. Religion in Society: Sociology of Religion. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007. Print. McGuire, Meredith. Religion: the Social Context. New York: Sage, 2002. Print. Settimba, Henry (2009). Testing times: globalization and investing theology in East Africa. Milton Keynes: Author House, 2009. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Los Angeles: Roxbury Company, 2002. Print. This essay on Religion and Politics was written and submitted by user M00nKn1ght to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Marlowes Function As A Narrator In Heart Of Darkness
Focuses on Marlowe's function in the novel and his relationship to the author. Marlowe is the main and the most important character of Joseph Conrad’s novel â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. Marlowe’s importance increases with the fact that he is the narrator of the story of the journey in to the heart of darkness. Marlowe is the person who navigates the ship of plot from the beginning, slowly and gradually and steers it to its final culminating point. Joseph Conrad also wrote a novel about Marlowe called â€Å"Youth†, a narrative before beginning â€Å"Heart of Darkness†in 1898. He wrote most of his other major works- including â€Å"Lord Jim†which also features Marlowe. So, Marlowe is an important character which is the integral part of some of Conrad’s novels, as Willson Follett says: â€Å"Half the discussion of Mr. Conrad’s way of getting his stories told in talk is necessarily the discussion of Marlowe, known to us in â€Å"Youth†, though unnamed in â€Å"Folk†, â€Å"Lord Jim†and â €Å"Chance†. Another critic Guerard says about Marlowe’s role in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†: â€Å"Substantially and in its central emphasis â€Å"Heart of Darkness†concerns Marlowe†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..and his journey towards and through certain facets or potentialities of self.†Marlowe is much like Conrad. For him too the journey begins in a sinister office in Brussels, that â€Å"white sepulcher†of a city. He too, like Marlowe walked two miles through the jungle to Kinshasa before reaching his ship. And he too went up the river to an inner station toiling†along slowly on the edge of black and incomprehensible frenzy.†Conrad also says himself in this regard: â€Å"Youth†is a feat of memory†¦.a record of experience†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†Heart of Darkness†is experience too; but it is experience pushed a little (only a little) beyond the actual facts of the case.†Marlowe’s function as a narrator is many faceted. In a sense he is a kind of helper to Conrad. Marlow... Free Essays on Marlowe's Function As A Narrator In 'Heart Of Darkness' Free Essays on Marlowe's Function As A Narrator In 'Heart Of Darkness' Focuses on Marlowe's function in the novel and his relationship to the author. Marlowe is the main and the most important character of Joseph Conrad’s novel â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. Marlowe’s importance increases with the fact that he is the narrator of the story of the journey in to the heart of darkness. Marlowe is the person who navigates the ship of plot from the beginning, slowly and gradually and steers it to its final culminating point. Joseph Conrad also wrote a novel about Marlowe called â€Å"Youth†, a narrative before beginning â€Å"Heart of Darkness†in 1898. He wrote most of his other major works- including â€Å"Lord Jim†which also features Marlowe. So, Marlowe is an important character which is the integral part of some of Conrad’s novels, as Willson Follett says: â€Å"Half the discussion of Mr. Conrad’s way of getting his stories told in talk is necessarily the discussion of Marlowe, known to us in â€Å"Youth†, though unnamed in â€Å"Folk†, â€Å"Lord Jim†and â €Å"Chance†. Another critic Guerard says about Marlowe’s role in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†: â€Å"Substantially and in its central emphasis â€Å"Heart of Darkness†concerns Marlowe†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..and his journey towards and through certain facets or potentialities of self.†Marlowe is much like Conrad. For him too the journey begins in a sinister office in Brussels, that â€Å"white sepulcher†of a city. He too, like Marlowe walked two miles through the jungle to Kinshasa before reaching his ship. And he too went up the river to an inner station toiling†along slowly on the edge of black and incomprehensible frenzy.†Conrad also says himself in this regard: â€Å"Youth†is a feat of memory†¦.a record of experience†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†Heart of Darkness†is experience too; but it is experience pushed a little (only a little) beyond the actual facts of the case.†Marlowe’s function as a narrator is many faceted. In a sense he is a kind of helper to Conrad. Marlow...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Phylum Porifera Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Phylum Porifera - Essay Example The sponges were considered to be plant-animal classification until 19th Century because they were not able to move, especially during their adult life where they attach themselves to a rock. However, this paper aims to evaluate in a critical aspect about the notions that Phylum Porifera is paraphyletic rather than monophyletic. The essay achieves its purpose by providing credible sources to demonstrate the comparative knowledge of morphology and embryologoy in an effort of evaluating the suggested hypothesis. The paper demonstrates the suggestions of the notion in respect to bilaterian’s ancestors. The sponges are among the simplest animals in the Kingdom Animalia. Their feeding system is unique among other types of animals. However, the evolution of animals is believed to transform the sponges from their earlier form of multi-cellular organisms to the present day animals. As earlier mentioned, it is learnt that Poliferans had an early branching event, which resulted to their separation from other metazoans. The sponges differentiate themselves from other animals in different nature such as lacking digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems. On their side, they adapt themselves by maintaining the constant flow of water through their pored bodies in order to get oxygen and food, as well as removing waste from the body. In addition, their shape of the body is adaptive to maximal reliability of water flow though their central cavity, where it uses a hole called osculum to deposit the nutrients. Most of the sponge species feed on the food particles or bacteria in the water, where some of them host micro organisms for photosynthesizing processes to act as endosymbionts. Such associations ensure there is maximum production of oxygen and food in the water, as compared to what they consume. However, some sponges that live in environment with small or no food have become carnivores since they mainly prey on
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What Drives Chinese Into Buying Luxury Goods in the 21st Century Dissertation
What Drives Chinese Into Buying Luxury Goods in the 21st Century - Dissertation Example The fact that the demand for luxury goods by the Chinese population is increasing rapidly has become a theme of discussion in the international market. This research incorporates qualitative as well as quantitative research to identify the factors that influence patterns of buying decisions of the Chinese consumers regarding luxury commodities. According to Vickers & Renand (2003) have said that China is one of the top three markets for luxury products in the worldwide economy. China has acquired the top position in demand for a variety of consumer goods, among which luxury goods occupy 19 percent of the demand (Stalk and Michael, 2011). In the demand a large range of other consumer goods China is the second position holder in the world. The consumers in China are steadily becoming brand conscious. It puts significant effect on their decision making about purchase of luxury goods. Their addiction to brands is allowing the Chinese market to make place for itself in the international luxury market and also helping the global luxury brands to increase their influence on the Chinese customers. What are the factors that influence the buying behaviour of Chinese consumers, leading them to purchase luxury goods? Research Hypothesis, Aims, and Objectives Hypothesis The economic growth in China has influenced the buying behavior of Chinese consumers, driving them to buy more luxury goods, brought about by an increase in their purchasing power. Aim This research aims at identifying factors that influence patterns of buying decisions that make Chinese consumers to increase their level of luxury goods consumption over the years. Objectives of the study The objectives of research are different for different individuals and organizations (Srivastava, 2011). The objectives of this study are mentioned below: To explain the phenomenal
Monday, November 18, 2019
Snake Venom Protein Paralyzes Cancer Cells Research Paper
Snake Venom Protein Paralyzes Cancer Cells - Research Paper Example Present ways of treatment are awfully expensive and have a lot of side effects to patients; mentally, economically as well as physically (Finn, 2001). A number of the elements of snake venom lead to cancerous cell growth retardation. Snake venom, on the other hand, might be a fundamental nominee for the cure in the future for a lot of diseases and body disorders because of its remedial potency and activity together with its availability. Observing and studying with the revolutionary prospectus in pharmaceutical perspectives, snake venom could pay the way for the fresh age of medicines, as well as the research for treatment of cancer among other illnesses (Alama et al., 2011). Snake venoms are often studied by scientists and researchers for its therapeutically/remedial application (Finn, 2001). Numerous outstanding publications distinguished the use of venoms for the healing of a range of therapeutic conditions as inflammation and cancer (Finn, 2001). This article will review recent l iterature regarding a therapeutic potential of snake venom in an endeavor to develop a scientific basis for use of snake venom for treatment of cancer. Venoms of snakes are multifaceted mixtures; largely it has proteins that have enzymatic actions. Peptides and proteins formulate 90 to 95% of the dry weight of venom. Besides that, venoms have inorganic cations such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium as well as small amounts of nickel, zinc, cobalt, iron and manganese (Alama et al., 2011). Zinc is vital for anticholinesterase action; calcium is needed for activation of enzymes such as phospholipase.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Public Speaking And The Road To Success
Public Speaking And The Road To Success This is my first assignment in Public Speaking, and my topic is The Road to Success. I choose The Road to Success to be my topic is because I consider that it is very important to us. In our life we have many of choice and those choices are the Road. The Road that we choose will be reflected in our future. Are the Road is go to Success or Failure it is not just choose it only and we also have to know how to walk on the Road that we choose. Perhaps we will meet many difficulties and setbacks on the Road, but we must be strong enough to face it, to reach the destination that named success. Otherwise we can only reach to the destination that named failure. Body Definition of The Road to Success The Road to Success is means that the Road go to the Success, this road is not easy to go through because you may be will meet many of the problem and obstacle. But you cannot give up and you have to be strong and courageous to face it because at the back of those problem and obstacle, have your destination that called Success. If you choose to marking time or just choose to only take the shortcuts, you will never reach to the Success, and you may be will go to the place that called Failure! 3 Road To Success Many of the people would ask me that why we to choose the Road, it is because in our life we dont just have one Road only because we have many of the Road to choose and we have to choose it also. I know that wants to make a decision is not an easy thing, and it is not only related to you now, it will also involve you in the future. So when you are make a decision, you must to know that it will bring what consequences for you, and you also have to know that are you made the right decision for you, at the last that you have to bear that all any consequences that it will bring to you in your life. I know that The Road to Success is not an easy Road to walk on, but you have to know that in this world there is no free lunch. So if you want to achieve your goal, you have to know that how to pay for it. It is because if you do not want to make any pay, you will not get anything from the return. So do not think that the benefits of this world will just fall from the sky for you that are because you are not the special one in the world. So anyone that who wants to reaches to the Success, he or she has to be go through on the Road that he or she choose. 4 But I want to tell you all that, if you really want go to the Success, you have to go exactly straight, and if you meet so many of problem and obstacle on the Road that you have choose, please be strong and courageous to face it, do not just escaping from all the problems and obstacles, then just look for those shortcuts. Because when you are walk on the wrong step, you will not arrive to the destination that called Success any more, and you will arrive to the place that called Failure. So I hope that when you all choose your own Road in the time, please think clearly that what Road you have choose and do not just think that you wants to reach to the destination in the short time. We all are normal people; no any one of us is an exception, so that we all will have the experienced on the same way, so please do not think that only you have to go through on the Road. Even those well-known entrepreneurs, politicians, scientists, musicians and so on. They also just like us. They also have to go through such a difficult Road, you have to know that the reason that why today they will be so successful is because they do not give up their choice on the Road that they choose, they were brave to face the Road that are brought so many problems for they. Therefore, today, they will so successful! So do not easily to give up or go back because as long as you are willing to face whatever will comes on the Road that you choose, one day you will also become like them so successful! 5 The Road that each person choose are different, and perhaps that the Road that some people choose are go very easily, but you no need have to envy them because it may have been before he already put a lot of his thoughts on the Road that he choose that you do not know. So you just need to focus on your own Road is enough already, remember that the more you pay, the more that you can also can get. As long as you are willing to pay for it, so you no need to fear that you will not get anything returns from it because time will prove all. Rome and the pyramids are not built in a day, they are also using a lot of time to build it, so if you want to success is also not just in a short time you will success, perhaps walk on the Road that you choose cost you a lot of time, but please believe me that it definitely worth your time to spend. As long as you have the heart to walk on the Road that you choose, one day you will reach to the destination that called Success. So time is not any problem for you. God is fair for everyone. So the Road that you choose that go to Success must be broaden by yourself, but is it will bring you reach to the success? That is only you can go through by the decision that you choose because the fate is rests in your own hands you have to find out by yourself. 6 Poem by Sylvia Chidi The Road to Success We all want to walk on the road of success But do you day by day measure your progress Do you have a vision? Do you have a mission? You need one even if it is inspired by television We all want to walk on the road of success But do you day by day measure your progress Critically look at your personal development Grizzle over the final accomplishment Decide on the instruments you need at the moment? On its road, there are many paths to take With many sacrifices along the way to make Patience, faith and hard work, please dont forsake Or your dreams will pour empty into a wide lake We all want to walk on the road of success But do you day by day measure your progress Is your vision greater than greatness? You are the first one you must try to impress Take a step at a time and do not digress For success when achieved, I say without sarcasm Is more gratifying than any orgasm 7 Conclusion When finish my Public Speaking assignment I found out that wants to do a assignment is not an easy work. But because of my topic The Road to Success, no matter how hard or how difficult it is, I have to be strong to face it. So I did not give up and today my assignment already finish. I choose the Road so I have to go through it, when I was walk on the Road I have meet many problem but I use my best to solve all the problem that I meet, so now I already reach to my Success. The Success that I reach is I finish my assignment. 8 Reference
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Detective Story Genre Essay -- Year 10 GCSE Coursework
In this essay I will be analysing: The Speckled Band, The Red-Headed League, and The Blue Carbuncle by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I will be showing and comparing the plots of all three stories, the settings, the structure, and language used, characteristics of Holmes and Watson, and my own conclusion. All three stories were written in the 1890s.Crime writing was very popular in the 19th century, people found it to be very entertaining. It all started with a man called Edgar Allan Poe, he wrote the very first detective story â€Å"The Murders in the Rue Morgue†. Poe was a great inspiration to Doyle; he was the one who made Doyle what he is today. Doyle just loved Poe’s writing and he used Poe as a model when he set out to write detective stories himself. Detective stories then began in the middle nineteenth century when police forces organised in U.S., France and England. They were then published in magazines in instalments. The main plots of the three stories all have one thing in common and that is that they are all mysteries. The mystery for â€Å"The Speckled Band†is how and why Julia Stoner really died. The story starts with Holmes waking up Watson because a client (Helen Stoner) has arrived at 221B Baker Street early in the morning. Helen Stoner has a case for Holmes and she tells him that she is afraid because her sister Julia died in mysterious circumstances. Holmes and Watson travel to Stoke Moran, Surrey to solve how Julia had died and why there is a low whistle in middle of the night which had been the herald of Julia’s death. Holmes and Watson start to examine Julia’s bedroom and find that she was killed by a snake which Dr Roylott had been training for it to poison people to death. Dr Roylott is then ma... ...lmes methods, but as Holmes always points out he never observes. Overall I think that the 3 short stories: The Speckled Band, The Red-Headed League, and The Blue Carbuncle work as great detective stories because as you keep reading they seem to interest you more so you never out them down. The stories have become so great because most of the characters are based on real people who have a strong connection to the character. Between all three stories I liked The Speckled Band more because it seems more interesting and the case that needs to be solved is very mysterious due to the strange death. The title is even intriguing; it makes you want to read it. When you read up to the part where Holmes finds out who is killing everyone that just makes you ask yourself so many questions as to why that happened so its more exciting and you just have to keep reading.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Electra complex in “The House on Zapote Streetâ€Â
Our parents are the best treasure that we could have in our life. They are the reason why we exist in this beautiful creation of God, our world. From the moment of our conception until our age of adolescence we are still under the supervision of our parents. But when the right time comes and that we are already in the right age, and we are ready to engage ourselves with relationships, we must be given the independency from them.Electra complex termed by Carl Jung refers to a girl or woman who falls in love with her father and becomes jealous of her mother and or the girl daughter and the father has an intimate relationship towards each other. â€Å"House on Zapote Street†, a short story written by one of the famous Filipino writer Nick Joaquin emphasized this concept. This concept under psychological theory then took an immense role in the story wherein it serves as the main reason of all the unhappy moments of the major character.The story revolves in the character of Dr. Leo nardo Quitangon, Lydia Cabading and her father, Pablo Cabading. The role of Electra complex in the story is a contrast of the real concept since it is the father whom we can vividly seen the said fixation. Pablo Cabading being the father of Lydia suffers Electra complex in which he became very zealous over looking to her.He even threatened to arrest young men who stared at her on the street, or pressed too close against her. The dictation he made towards Lydia had already trespass her personal life which negatively affects her. Thus, this story shows how Pablo Cabading had been affected Carl Jung’s concept of Electra complex and this is because of the closeness or intimate relationship he had with his daughter, Lydia.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
5 Tips for Avoiding the First Day Freakout
5 Tips for Avoiding the First Day Freakout I don’t care how far you are from your last first day of school- everybody gets nervous on their first day of work at a new job. Will my coworkers like me? Where will I sit at lunch? Is my outfit too formal? Not formal enough? What if I get stuck in the elevator with the CEO? Take a deep breath and set yourself some priorities: 1. Make a good impression on your boss. 2. Don’t make a bad impression on your colleagues. 3. Accomplish one relevant work task. There. Not too bad, right?Now, in order to calm down enough to tackle your to-do list, try these techniques from Joanne Troppello at CareerAddict!1. Remind Yourself You Were ChosenOn every sweepstakes I used to enter as a kid, I always noticed the â€Å"many will enter, few will win†fine print at the bottom. It’s true for jobs too- probably a ton of people applied for the position you’ve just landed, and they picked YOU. Remind yourself why you thought you were qualified for this job to begin with. A tip that seems silly but really works: reread your resume and cover letter if you have to!2. Remember a Past Professional SuccessThink back to your last job, or your favorite class in school, or a time you triumphed when the going got tough. Odds are you had to adjust to a new situation first, or had to confront obstacles in your path- even if it wasn’t easy, you got through it and accomplished something awesome on the other side. Trust that the muscle memory of succeeding is inside you somewhere, and it’ll kick in when you need it.3. Focus on the PositiveTry to embrace the fact that you feel nervous. Accept it as proof that you want to do well at this new gig! If you let it take you down a negative spiral, it can be hard to turn back towards the light. Decide to be optimistic, decide to feign confidence until you feel it, and hold your head up on the tedious office tour or HR presentation that will kick off your first day.4. Take the Initiative to InteractI always get nervous at new jobs because I am not a schmoozer. I’m an introvert who would happily work side by side in silence with other introverts or my dog- but that’s not how offices work. If social interaction at the workplace doesn’t come easily to you either, have a plan for you. Greet everyone you’re introduced to with a smile or a handshake, jot names down and sketch out a seating chart to remember where their desks are, and have some innocuous questions about where to get lunch or coffee ready to go in case there’s a pause for conversation.â€Å"It’s nice to meet you!†â€Å"I look forward to working together!†Really, that’s all you need to get started.5. See Your Manager as a CollaboratorOnce you’ve had a micromanage-y or overly critical boss it’s easy to go into a new job situation bracing for conflict. But see this job as a fresh start and remember that your boss is invested in your success- theyâ€⠄¢re on your team! Ask questions when you have them, share your enthusiasm for a particularly great project, and work smoothly with your colleagues, and they’ll appreciate you just as much.And last but not least, lay out your outfit ahead of time. That one’s not from CareerAddict, that’s from my mom. 5 Ways to Avoid â€Å"First Day†Nerves When Starting a New Job Read More at www.careeraddict.com
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Its Cool Cause They Say So essays
It's Cool Cause They Say So essays Advertisements are seen everywhere using all different kinds of approaches. They sometimes use direct forms such as flyers, billboards, cars, commercials, and even t-shirts; however, more recently, indirect advertisement-that is, unintended advertising is increasing in popularity. Indirect advertising is common in music, specifically African-American music. Although traditionally African American music has been mostly in ballad form had mostly been love ballads, a new genre of music has risen in the form of rap. Since its birth in the mid 1980s, rap has slowly become extremely popular and has developed into a highly influential force. Rappers have the uncanny ability to shape public thought. African American creativity in the media of music is so powerful that it can dictate what becomes popular. Their indirect advertising creativity is obvious through their songs which are complimented by their videos. Popular rappers unintentionally advertise products in their songs, but be cause of their influence, the advertisement is successful despite the cost of the products that they represent. Pass the Courvoisier. Everybody sing it now. Pass the Courvoisierso goes the chorus of the song by Busta Rhymes and P. Diddy. The song was originally written as a club song. However, the song has proven to increase the sales of the liquor by 4.5 percent in the first quarter of this year and into double digits in recent months (Holloway 1). Hip-hop is in fact that popular. Busta Rhymes and P.Diddy are major contributors to the genre of rap and they are so big now that everything they touch becomes popular and sells (Holloway 2). The fact that Busta and P.Diddy can create a song about a particular liquor and unwittingly boosts the sales of the liquor is a reflection of their influence over the minds of their listeners. Recently, Cadillac has been beneficiary of free publicity from rap also. A...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Strategic Choice and Evaluation (synopsis) Essay
Strategic Choice and Evaluation (synopsis) - Essay Example Management can determine the direction the firm needs to head for continued success by conducting a SWOT. To take this a step further, the strategic manager may also conduct a matched paired analysis. The matched paired analysis allows the manager to match the strengths and weaknesses of the firm with the opportunities and threats. This will allow management to determine what strengths and opportunities are the best options for the firm to ensure the strategic plan objectives are achieved. Evaluating the strategies of each individual company allows management to find alternatives to improve the organizations plans for continued growth. Therefore, each company has to implement strategies to innovate new ideas and products for profitable gain. The Team D was involved in analyzing a company in order to develop a strategy for the company. The team tried to work on three areas including the development of a generic as well as a grand strategy and to identify the method of delivering high value. This in turn will help the company in developing a strategy that will assist then in their future goals. In order to develop a strategy an organization based strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis is necessary. The SWOT analysis along with the matched pair analysis helps the organization in matching the organization’s strengths as well as weakness with its respective opportunities and threats. The matching of these components helps organization in identifying opportunities that the organization can explore with its strengths for the attainment of organizational objectives. The company can even evaluate the strategies of its competitors in order to identify ways through which it can improve its own oper ations and attain
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Eco-product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Eco-product - Essay Example The awareness is brought about by passing or disseminating large quantities of information on the effects of goods on the environment and the mitigation measures for any situations related to the goods. Therefore, it is essential that there should be good relationships between the providers of the products and the consumers to ensure the dissemination of this kind of information is done effectively. The products in discussion in this paper are cars (Johnson 280). Over the past decade the world has been hit with several climate change effects, a lot of those have been attributed to the industries, mainly to the vehicles and the fuel used by them. Other major concerns that have come up over this decade include the rise in petroleum prices. This has driven many to think of better ways to conserve energy and they have had a different perception of energy security as a whole. The current market has shifted from using petroleum to light duty vehicles. They have invented the hybrid cars which either use electricity or use very little petroleum. The dependence on petroleum products has begun to bring up major concerns especially when it comes to economic issues. The oil prices are set to go higher over the years to come. This is because the resource is also being depleted and since it is not a renewable resource. It is becoming scarce by the day. With the production of new hybrid vehicles, the usage of petroleum has dropped and the risk of climate change and global warming due to the emission of greenhouse gases has also dropped tremendously. According to the analysis, the amount of fuel being used in the United States alone has reduced dramatically. The results of the analysis show that, since the time that these vehicles entered the market, the amount of fuel that has been saved is an estimated 9 million barrels or three hundred and eighty five gallons of fuel. This simply means that more people are likely to purchase these types of vehicles
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