Monday, August 24, 2020
Personnel Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Faculty Evaluation - Essay Example Open workforce the executives involves two different roads that I have tended to in this record. These roads contain principally of staff organization or the executives and open faculty or workforces. Both of these involve residents, open workforces, chiefs, legislators, citizens and managers. The genuine meaning of open faculty is really immense, which means or alluding to singular HR who work or work in the overall population division and whose main jobs involve arrangement of powerful open support of residents, regardless of whether national, nearby, worldwide or state-based. Contemporarily, these open faculty have particular chief capacities. These capacities incorporate endorsing, arranging, advancement and separate procurement. To guarantee viability in the executives of the association, the workforces should convey and apply those obligations all through the connection. Contemporarily, open workforces face immense difficulties as to their particular operational practices. The record contains a basically and deliberately evoked clarification of the present patterns ensnaring on the development of open workforces in the current day world and an extra assessment of procedures that the administration should mull over while making an expanded workforce. Also, a similar clarification will include a portion of the activity the administration should take while tending to workforce issues to guarantee total food of association affiliation and portrayal in the midst of the predetermined open faculty. In a preview, the four unmistakably striking patterns embroiling on the development of open workforces remember innovation for the work region, the idea of the workplace, job of the general collection of residents during the time spent administration, redefinition of government and monetary changes after some time in the today’s world. For around an age
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Instructional adjustment Essay Example for Free
Instructional alteration Essay Presentation: A study surveyed nearly 770 understudies and asked how much exertion they believed they were placing into their homework. To everyone’s shock, the understudies with low evaluations thought they functioned as hard as anyone! However when their examination propensities were analyzed, it was found that they really did far less schoolwork than their high-accomplishing classmates (Awake, 7). Apparently their educators were in any event mostly liable for this hallucination. Maybe they felt that these low-accomplishing youngsters were not able to do a lot in any case. Or on the other hand they may have felt that only being warm and amicable toward them was sufficient to propel them to exceed expectations. Whatever the case, it appears that the educators profoundly lauded the students’ most insignificant endeavors. Passing evaluations were routinely given out just for going to class. The kids were caused to feel that they previously filled in as hard as could be expected under the circumstances. Along these lines they did little to improve. This is among the issues happening in schools and other preparing foundations for kids. As indicated by reviews, there ought to be increasingly imaginative and fascinating strategical methodologies that They surveyed around 770 understudies and asked how much exertion they believed they were placing into their homework. To everyone’s shock, the understudies with low evaluations thought they filled in as hard as anyone! However when their investigation propensities were analyzed, it was found that they really did far less schoolwork than their high-accomplishing classmates. Apparently their instructors were at any rate in part answerable for this fancy. Maybe they felt that these low-accomplishing youngsters were not able to do a lot regardless. Or on the other hand they may have felt that simply being warm and amicable toward them was sufficient to spur them to exceed expectations. Whatever the case, it appears that the instructors exceptionally applauded the students’ most negligible endeavors. Passing evaluations were routinely given out just for going to class. The kids were caused to feel that they previously filled in as hard as could reasonably be expected. In this manner they did little to improve. educators should use to have the option to accomplish a superior come about because of showing understudies who are both viewed as moderate and advance students. To put it plainly, the two gatherings of understudies ought to have the option to be cooked by the techniques to be applied. In this paper, a wide cluster of decisions and steps will be examined to answer the said issue in instructing and preparing. The Teaching Strategies: Every investigation time must incorporate audits of the past educated exercises. This will enable the understudies to recall the exercises that were found out during the last gathering for the class and along these lines revive in their recollections the general substance of the subject. After the survey, the introduction of the new idea must be performed by the educator. Coming up next are a few instances of having the option to do as such in such a fascinating path for both the moderate and advance students: †¢ Presentation utilizing illustrative drawings-kids and understudies of any age regularly appreciate the drawings appeared to present a specific theme. †¢ Usage of Mind games-as a presentation let the understudies think in a great manner. †¢ Introduction utilizing a story-this will enable the understudies to think and investigate what will be examined. Beside this, the students’ consideration will be gotten by the story. †¢ Usage of Media-there accessible VCDs and DVDs accommodated a few subjects in school. This could enable the understudies to appreciate while they learn. †¢ Usage of innovation PC introductions and different introductions utilizing innovation creations could enable the students to figure out how to comprehend the theme in their own pace. †¢ Relate the theme to reality-Usually the specific subjects talked about in school are situated, in actuality, †¢ Use catchphrases to present the point Usually single word keys that present an entire subject enables the understudies to recall the exercises simpler. †¢ Use open-finished inquiries letting the understudies think will assist them with grasping better on what is being talked about in class. †¢ Encouraging a pretend movement this will permit the understudies have an invigorating beginning for another exercise †¢ Giving presents about the new exercise After presenting the exercise for the day a guided technique must finish to enable the understudies to oblige the point for the afternoon. Here are a few insights in controlling understudies viably: †¢ Using a graph an outlined and brilliant chart could enable the understudies to picture the exercises †¢ Use guided inquiries allow the understudies to settle on how they will approach the exercise. †¢ Go past the book-don't simply utilize the book as a source, rather let the understudies set up their own sources and let them share it in class for study hall investment. †¢ Prepare gifts Aside from study hall conversations however, understudies who are thought to be moderate students must be urged to do autonomous practices which may incorporate the accompanying: †¢ Remedial Classes †¢ Extra Homework Activities †¢ Extended class meetings for a gathering of understudies †¢ Students help understudies program †¢ Extra task for make-up home works for homeroom exercises which they couldn't adapt up to. †¢ Encourage home perusing exercises †¢ Making significant time changes for a student’s fulfillment of school prerequisites With every one of these rules, an understudy should consent to the teacher’s procedures and if that doesnn’t occur, a few mediations may be vital for the educator to utilize like: †¢ Finding the main driver of the issue †¢ Identifying the student’s learning stage or learning pace †¢ Match understudies to appropeiate levels of learning †¢ Adopt proof based intercession systems †¢ Require dynamic reaction †¢ Review, audit. Survey. In the event that this things will be considered in training a gathering of understudies including both the development and the moderate students, pleasant outcomes are to be picked up since all these are as of now demonstrated compelling by numerous educators around the world. Consequently, the educator should consistently make sure that each learning need of every understudy in a class is adequately given. Reference index: Magazines and Journals: â€Å"Pay steady thoughtfulness regarding your teaching†. (August 8, 1984). Conscious! Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Brooklyn, New York. 13-15. â€Å"How would i be able to Improve my examination habits†. (Walk 15,1999). Alert! Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Brooklyn, New York. 7. â€Å"How significant are grades? †(March 8, 1984). Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Brooklyn, New York. 12-15. Web Source: Steven R. Shaw, Ph. D. , NCSP. (2005). Scholastic Interventions for Slow Learners. http://www. nasponline. organization/distributions/cq285slowlearn. html. (17 June 2006). Books: Castillo, R. 1991. Instructing students to learn. English Teaching Forum, 29, 3, pp. 28-30. Mercer, C. what's more, A. Mercer. 1989. Showing understudies with learning issues. Columbus, Ohio: Merril Publishing Co.
Friday, July 17, 2020
10 Warm-Weather Reads For Spring!
10 Warm-Weather Reads For Spring! This post is sponsored by Scribd. Scribd is the subscription book service that gives you unlimited access to a library of more than half a million e-books, audiobooks, and comics. Head over Scribd to get started with a free month. ____________________ Time to set down the giant, depressing novels about sad people and Russian winters and bust out the books of Spring! I’m a completely seasonal reader, so as the days get long and the mugs of cocoa are replaced by mason jars of sweet tea, I’m looking for fun, light-hearted (but thoughtful), funny reads. Here are 10 excellent spring picks, all available on Scribd: Almost Famous Women by Megan Mayhew Bergman (audio) Taking a road trip this spring? I love short stories on audio for long rides in the car (or plane, or train). Not digging a plot line? Don’t worry- it’ll change soon! Making a lot of stops along the way? Short stories are great for that! And you can easily break down longer rides into numbers of stories. (“No, we’re not there yet- only 4 more stories to go!â€) This collection by Mayhew Bergman about the fictionalized lives of real women who lived on the periphery of fame will keep your attention, no matter how interesting (or boring) the scenery is outside your window. Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh Allie Brosh’s blog (and now book) center around her hilarious writing and even more hilarious art drawn in Paintbrush- mostly focusing on her dogs, childhood antics, and battles with depression. The book is honest, insightful, and best of all, so hilarious you’ll be drawing stares from everyone else at the park. But it’s worth it. Get outside and laugh. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han Isabel (known as Belly) spends every summer at a beach house with her family and her mom’s best friendand her mom’s best friend’s two sons. The boys have always regarded Belly as a sister figure, until she rounds the corner on 15 years old and turns pretty. Everything changes as the brothers maybe-do-they-definitely-sort-of develop feelings for Belly, and she must decide what path she wants to take. And nothing says “warm weather reading†like a summer-centric love triangle! Men Explain Things To Me by Rebecca Solnit This super-short book/essay (bessay?) on “mansplaining†or the societal phenomenon of men assuming they know more than women, regardless of the topic or the woman’s actual expertise level- is hilarious and enlightening. Read it on a picnic blanket under the sun so when you’re done you can lie there and think about how true it all is. Locke and Key by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez This creepy graphic novel from horror writer Joe Hill is a twist on the haunted mansion trope. Keyhouse, the family home of a mother and three children whose father was murdered, isn’t vacant when they move in, but what lives there isn’t human. I save books like this for spring and summer, when the days (and sunlight) are long and I’m spending less time in my dark-before-6-p.m. house, wondering about what’s inside my closet. Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay (audio) Just like short story collections, essay collections are a great pick for road trips, or even just driving around in general. You’ll get through more of a complete essay arc in one 20 minute trip to the grocery store than you would get through in the arc of a novel. These essays by Gay about feminism and pop culture are thought-provoking and fascinating. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz I have a theory that books about teenagers figuring out their identities are best read when the weather is warm- when you’ve got whispers of your own teen summers spent doing who-knows-what bubbling up in your memory. This touching YA novel is both funny and heart-breaking, so be prepared to express a full range of embarrassing emotions when you read this on the park bench. When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James This re-telling of Beauty and the Beast is also based on the TV series House (yes, the one with the cranky doctor [but the book lacks the show’s racism and gross sexism played for laughs, thankfully]). The heroine is sassy and takes none of the hero’s guff, and their banter and her comebacks will give you plenty of opportunities to laugh. It’s spring and love is in the air, making this a perfect seasonal pick. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard Dillard’s meditation on the nature surrounding her home in the Blue Ridge valley of Virginia is an excellent read for those of us just emerging from our winter holes. If you’re the kind of wanderer who spends spring days sitting on rocks by creeks waiting for hours for an otter to pop up, this will be right up your alley. Or, ya know, if you just like READING about that kind of wanderer. How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish I’ve just started the lovely, sanity-saving ritual of sending my kids outside to play and not letting them back in until it’s dark or someone’s bleeding. These extra few snatches of time fellow parents are finding are a great time to pick up a book about how better to talk and listen to those little buggers you’ve just sent out to destroy your yard. Or maybe it’s just my kids who destroy yards. If it is, don’t tell me.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Bernissartia - Facts and Figures
Name: Bernissartia (from Bernissart, after the region of Belgium where it was discovered); pronounced BURN-iss-ARE-tee-yah Habitat: Swamps and shorelines of western Europe Historical Period: Early Cretaceous (145-140 million years ago) Size and Weight: About two feet long and 5-10 pounds Diet: Fish, shellfish and carrion Distinguishing Characteristics: Small size; long, pointed snout; two kinds of teeth in jaws About Bernissartia Except for its tiny size (only about two feet long from head to tail and no more than 10 pounds), Bernissartia looked pretty much like a modern crocodile, with its long tail, splayed limbs, elongated snout and powerful jaws. You might think a prehistoric crocodile this petite would have made it a point to stay away from larger reptiles, but Bernissartia appears to have shared the swamps of early Cretaceous western Europe with much bigger dinosaurs (which presumably left it alone in favor of less toothy prey). In fact, a handful of Bernissartia fossils have been discovered in close proximity to a specimen of Iguanodon, one possibility being that they were feasting on the carcass of this dead ornithopod before being drowned in a flash flood. One odd feature of Bernissartia, crocodile-wise, was the two kinds of teeth embedded in its jaws: sharp incisors in front and flat molars in back. This is a clue that Bernissartia may have fed on shellfish (which needed to be ground to bits before swallowing) as well as fish, and, as stated above, may also have subsisted on the carcasses of already-dead sauropods and ornithopods. One likely interpretation of this behavior is that Bernissartia roamed up and down the beaches of its presumed island habitat (during the early Cretaceous period, much of western Europe was submerged under water), eating pretty much anything that happened to wash up on shore.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Insight Of Patients With Schizophrenia And Its...
The insight of patients with schizophrenia and its relationships with other clinical variables has been given much attention in the clinical setting over the last few decades. Since then, some instruments assessing insight have been created in an attempt of better diagnostic mental disorders. The founder of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Aaron T. Beck is an American psychiatrist who is a professor emeritus in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. He applied cognitive models of psychosis in explaining patients’ own evaluation of erroneous or unusual experiences. This perspective was termed cognitive insight and is assessed with the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS). The BCIS or Beck Cognitive Insight scale is â€Å"a self-administered instrument, with 15 item and is a self-report instrument with two subscales, 9 self-reflectiveness items and 6 self-certainty items. It is designed to evaluate cognitive processes that involves reevaluating pati ents anomalous experiences and specific misinterpretations and to complement scales that describe the lack of awareness of mental illness and its characteristics†(Martin et al., 2010). The format of the scale is the Linkert format which the individual taken the test indicate the degree of the agreement with a question being asked. In this case there is no wrong answer. Some application would have up to six options to avoid allowing the responder to be neutral. The BCIS has four options, do not agree, agreeShow MoreRelatedCognitive Behavioural Therapy and Family Interventions for Psychosis7799 Words  | 32 PagesInterventions for Psychosis Psychosocial treatments for schizophrenia are not new in the research literature. Psychological treatments have been previously used in the treatment of schizophrenia. 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This paper is sought to synthesize the relationship among individuals who are mentally ill and why there are criminal acts followed by certainRead MoreThe Different Types Of Mental Illness And Disorders That Are Linked With Violence Essay1801 Words  | 8 Pagesdifferent types of mental illness and disorders that are closely linked with violence, as well as the association between individuals diagnosed with a mental health issues and the increased risk of violent offending, while considering the impact of other confounding factors, such as substance abuse, social factors such as homelessness, noncompliance with medication and the stigma and public perception around mental illness and violent offending, and how the social belief that individuals with mentalRead MoreSchizophrenia And The Middle Of Creativity And Psychopathology2032 Words  | 9 PagesThe out-of-dat e issue of genius and madness has incited long standing open and clinical hobby among researchers. 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By using different journals, I will provide information that will give more in depth therapy treatments that have been conducted on individuals that have either suffer from or experienced traumatic events in their lives.Read MoreSurvey Of Cognitive Remediation Practices For Individuals With Schizophreni Implementation And Barriers9236 Words  | 37 Pages Survey of Cognitive Remediation Practices for Individuals with Schizophrenia: Implementation and Barriers Jessica Ryan Cuttance, M.S., CRC Dr. Dara Chan, ScD, CRC Dr. Mark Klinger, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Abstract Cognitive impairment (CI) is observed in the vast majority of individuals with schizophrenia and has long been identified as a principal contributor to functional deficits. 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Cognitive Dissonance Free Essays
Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive dissonance is having a thought, idea, attitude, or belief that seems to be out of tune. Cognitive dissonance tends to result in different ways based on the situation that it occurs in. If a person is forced to say an opinion that differs from their own, they experience an out of tune feeling. We will write a custom essay sample on Cognitive Dissonance or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Roger Hock’s book â€Å"Forty Studies that Changed Psychology,†he recognizes the study of cognitive dissonance performed by Leon Festinger. In â€Å"Thoughts Out of Tune,†the article specifically explaining Festinger’s study, Hock goes further into detail. He explains that if we are forced to state an opposed view, while preparing for it, we tend to believe it along with out own. This creates confusing, stress, and dissonance. Festinger’s study explains why and when people may or may not feel cognitive dissonance. Festinger proposed whatever you state publicly, will be a reflection of your personal views. If any person must speak publicly for any reason that goes against their own private belief, they will definitely feel uncomfortable. However, when offered a reward, the comfort levels can change. If someone offers the speaker a large reward, the speaker will feel more comfort in changing their attitude about the ideas or beliefs being said, even when they don’t believe them. If someone offers the speaker a small reward, the speaker will feel more discomfort because they do not feel there was justification in what they are being rewarded and will have more of a negative attitude than those being greater rewarded. Festinger performed his experiment on a control group, group A, and group B. Each group contained twenty participants. Group A was the group given one dollar to perform the experiment. Group B was given twenty dollars to perform the experiment. All group were interviewed after the performing ‘the experiment,’ which was to empty and refill a tray of 12 spools for 30 minutes and to turn 48 square pegs a quarter of a turn clockwise for 30 minutes. This was done in order to bore the participants and create negative feelings about what they had to do. Afterwards they were asked to fabricate their feelings toward the experiment to another group waiting outside. Group A was given one dollar. Group B was given twenty dollars. The control group was given no money and was able to be interviewed after performing the tasks. Group A and group B were told after speaking their opposed opinions that the experiment was fun and exciting, they were able to be interviewed and leave. The interview questioned their true beliefs on how they felt toward ‘the experiment. ’ They were asked to rate the experiments on a scale that offered the questions: whether the tasks were interesting and enjoyable, how much the person learned about their ability to perform the tasks given, whether they believed the experiment and tasks were measuring any importance or not, and if they had any desire to participate in another experiment similar to the one performed. In the findings, the control group had extremely negative ratings on the questions asked. Festinger concluded that when demanded to realize the differences among personal views and attitudes, we would tend to feel cognitive dissonance. This can encourage us to bring change to these views or attitudes to enforce them to become harmonious and agreeable with each other. This will continuously create changing attitudes whether they are big or small. The change will depend on the justification for the behavior. Festinger’s conclusions had shown to support his hypothesis. David Matz and Wendy Wood performed an experiment similar to Festinger’s study. Matz and Wood did a study on cognitive dissonance in groups and the consequences of disagreement. In the first of several experiments done, they tested ‘the nature of arousal induced by attitude heterogeneity in groups. ’ This determines if attitude likeness in groups could be related to dissonance. In the study, people were placed into groups. These groups were given one of three possible situations. These situations included what would occur after taking a survey. The groups would either discuss what they decided for a major issue, discuss their decisions and try to come to a consensus, and the last group would not discuss anything about the survey at all. The participants that were educated about the study acted as though they had a particular opinion. After the discussion, the participants, of the decision-making group, filled out a questionnaire about the responses and ease of agreeing for a consensus. The results were that the group having to reach a consensus found it easy and were motivated when the group was able to agree as opposed to when the group disagreed. The participants admitted to feeling anxiety and discomfort when having a disagreement with the group. This relates to Festinger’s study because they both relate to feeling uncomfortable. Although Festinger’s experiment was concentrated on a self and not a group, they both explain how different situations can cause discomfort and negative feelings. Festinger explains how someone not expressing their true feelings for any reason will undergo the feelings of cognitive dissonance. Matz and Wood are explaining the same thing but showing how people can understand cognitive dissonance by holding their opinions and not expressing themselves in fear of going against a group. The disagreement creates negative feelings causing the participant to feel out of place or out of tune. These experiments teach us that not expressing how we feel for any reason whether it’s being paid, persuaded, in fearfulness, we will tend to feel negative emotions. Disagreement will always cause discomfort in turn causing cognitive dissonance. References Chen, M. K. , Risen, J. L. (2010). How choice affects and reflects preferences: revisiting the free-choice paradigm. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(4), 573-594. doi: 10. 1037/a0020217 Festinger, L. , Carlsmith, J. M. (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58, 203-210. Hock, R. R. (2008). Forty studies that changed psychology: explorations into the history of psychological research (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Matz, D. C. , Wood, W. (2005). Cognitive dissonance in groups: the consequences of disagreement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(1), 22-37. doi: 10. 1037/0022-3514. 88. 1. 22 Newby-Clark, I. R. , McGregor, I. , Zanna, M. P. (2002). Thinking and caring about cognitive inconsistency: when and for whom does attitudinal ambivalence feel uncomfortable? Journal of Peronality and Social Psychology, 82(2), 157-166. doi: 10. 1037/0022-3514. 82. 2. 157 Norton, M. I. , Monin, B. , Cooper, J. , Hogg, M. A. (2003). Vicarious dissonance: Attitude change from inconsistency of others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(1), 47-62. doi: 10. 1037/0022-3514. 85. 1. 47 Push, S. D. , Groth, M. , Hennig-Thurau, T. (2011) Willing and able to fake emotions: A closer examination of the link between emotional dissonance and employee well-being. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(2), 377-390. doi: 10. 1037/a0021395 Rosenberg, M. J. (1960). Attitude organization and change: An analysis of consistency among attitude components. New Haven: Yale University Press. How to cite Cognitive Dissonance, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Service Line Development
Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction International Analysis Discussion on Different Programs Financial Analysis Target market References Executive Summary The main purpose of a service line is to coordinate the patient’s activities when assessing personal health care. Service line is designed to ensure that the patient gains maximum benefits while the health facility gains sufficient business benefits. Therefore, service line is viewed as a structure in an organizational system that focuses on the output of a health care program.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Service Line Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Service line development serves various functions in an organization since it interconnects various departments and disciplines to come up with a means of improving health care. Moreover, service line incorporates the various disciplines in order to ensure health care con tinuity. Health care facilities implement service line in order to create a balance among the various functions in the facility while ensuring that the market elements are taken into consideration. In this light of events, a person charged with the task of implementing service line must take into account the core functions of the health care facility, the amount of resources available, and the key market factors that affect health care industry. Considering all these factors ensures that the health care facility provides the best possible care to their patients while being within budgetary constraints. This paper examines the viability of developing a service line in Trinity health care facility. The focus will be on developing the cancer center that requires careful consideration before incorporating it into the hospital’s system. Introduction Researchers have carried out various researches to determine the overall demand for cancer centers in the global scene. In the curren t situation in the world, the number of cancer patients is constantly increasing. This increase has been attributed to the lifestyle that most people live. For instance, the use of gadgets in homes such as mobile phones that emit radiation may be one of the causatives of cancer. With the increase in number of cancer patients, there is also increase in demand for quality health care for the patients.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In 2005, the American Society of Clinical Oncology conducted a research to forecast the requirements of oncologists in the future (AAMC, 2007). According to the report presented by AAMC to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the number demand for oncologists was going to increase due to the increase in number of cancer survivors (AAMC, 2007). In the early 1970s, the number of cancer survivors in the United States alone was approximately 3 million (AAMC, 2007). However, this figure has drastically changed and the number of survivors is currently up to 10 million (AAMC, 2007). The increase in number of cancer survivors is due to the improvement of services offered by cancer centers in the health care industry. With the increase in number of survivors, there is also an increase in demand for new cancer centers to carter for the surviving patients. A report released in 2011, projected the number of cancer cases in the United States was approximately 1, 596, 670 (ACS, 2011). Moreover, the projection provided did not include cancer patients with non-invasive cancer. This number was quite high and the available cancer centers could not carter for all the patients (ACS, 2011). Due to this fact, the report approximated that the number of patients who would die from cancer would be 571, 950. In 2012, the projected figure for cancer cases in the United States will be approximately 1,638,910 (ACS, 2012). In this light of even ts, incorporation of a cancer center will ensure that the hospital is able to cater for some of the cancer patients, earn income, and avoid some unnecessary deaths. The demand for cancer centers increases yearly (ACS, 2012). However, the patients only demand centers that are well equipped to enhance their survival. Therefore, for a new cancer center to meet the demand it must ensure that enough facilities are available to provide the patients with the required services while maintaining the low costs that enhance affordability. Therefore, incorporation of a cancer center into the hospital’s operations will require management to take into account a number of factors such as financial position, the core values of the hospital, and availability of labor to run the cancer center. These factors act to complement the demand element in service development.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Service Line Development specifically for you for only $16 .05 $11/page Learn More International Analysis Watson in his survey discovered various key factors that play important roles in the global medical trends (2011). According to the report compiled by Watson, 95% of world’s countries had a medical trend that exceeded the rate of inflation (2011). This meant that the general expenditure on the medical services was increasing at a faster rate than the rate of inflation of the country. The increase in medical costs in the year 2009 was approximately 10.2% (Watson, 2011). However, the general inflation during the same year was approximately 6.9%. This trend was common in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Businesses, and companies, find it difficult to create a comprehensive medical scheme for their employees due to the fact that the medical costs are increasing at almost twice the rate of inflation. Most employers find it difficult to afford paying medical insurance for their employees. Another key finding i n Watson’s report was the emerging markets in developing nations. The medical costs in these markets slowed down between 2006 and 2009. These markets are experiencing cheaper medical rates than their counterparts in developed markets are. Medical users in developed markets are paying higher medical prices than they did five years ago (Watson, 2011). Most medical users are expecting higher medical prices in the forthcoming years (Beecham, 2010). Analysts’ project that the average increase ate of medical costs is likely to increase to 12.7 % by the end of 2012. In the developing countries, the medical costs will be higher than that of developed economies by 2.5%. From Watson’s research, the medical users in North America and Latin America predicted the highest increase in medical costs (2011). European respondents on the other hand, predicted the increase of medical costs to lesser than that experienced in the other countries in the world. The global trends in tre ating cancer have gradually changed due to the advances in science. Technology can be used to cure or eliminate some cancerous cell before they actually spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, patients have changed the manner they use in assessing treatment all over the world.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Most patients are opting for the expensive technologies that can assist in preventing the spread of cancer. Moreover, the concept of costs is of little concern to some people where technology and science guarantees full remission of the disease. With the concept of technological trends and cost trends, CEO’s can develop a sound service line for medical or health care center. In our case, developing the cancer medical care center will require incorporating the concept of global medical trends into the implementation process. This is because the costs of assessing medical care is expected to increase and the CEO has the responsibility of ensuring that, the services offered by their cancer center are either cheaper or at par with the market prices. By regulating the costs, the medical center can attract patients and keep their expenditure at manageable levels. Moreover, the CEO should consider incorporating the latest technology into the cancer center. Technology and science pro vide patients with guarantees of good treatment. Most cancer patients are attracted by the quality of the service and not the costs. Therefore, incorporating newer method will enhance the demand of the center. Discussion on Different Programs There are various ongoing programs in the fight to eliminate cancer. One of the most research programs in the field of cancer research is the Radiation Research Program. This program is used in establishing the priorities and evaluating the effectiveness of radiation in cancer patients (NCI, 2004). Moreover, oncologists and other medical practitioners use this program to allocate the resources among the different cancer patients (NCI, 2004). The Radiation Research Program team presents their findings to the National Cancer Institute in matters that deal with radiation research. The program designed by the Radiation Research Program team has several functions that may assist a new and upcoming cancer center. Among the functions of Radiation Rese arch Program is providing expertise knowledge on matters related to radiation treatment, and other forms of energy used in treating cancerous cells. In addition to this, the Radiation Research Program team assists the individual radiotherapy researchers in establishing the scope of their research. By doing this, the Radiation Research Program team ensures that the future direction of radiation treatment is in the right track. Radiation Research Program team also develops unique models that practitioners may use to help the underserved cancer patients in the world. This program ensures that the individual cancer centers can access the clinical trial results. Apart from the Radiation Research Program, other research programs also exist and are practiced by different cancer centers. The outreach program is one of the most common programs that cancer centers use to reach patients who cannot access the medical centers. Moreover, the outreach program is used to educate the public on diffe rent aspects of cancer (American College of Surgeons, 2009). From an economist’s point of view, medical centers can use outreach programs as a means of publicizing the different services offered by the center. In addition to this, the outreach programs act as a means of ensuring that patients get information at the correct time. Trinity medical center should incorporate the use of these programs in their cancer center. Incorporating the use of Radiation Research Program will ensure that the center reaps maximum benefits from the program. Benefits such as advances in use of radiation to treat patients come in handy to any cancer center. Moreover, the Radiation Research Program will provide guidance to the research department in Trinity’s cancer research team. An outreach program will ensure that the cancer center is able to educate the surrounding community. By incorporating the outreach program in service development, Trinity cancer center will ensure that they have ad vertised their services while providing useful services to the community. Financial Analysis From the Trinity’s projection, it is possible to do an analysis on the financial viability of the project using financial ratios to begin with the analysis on company initially aims to invest a capital of 8 million to ensure that the cancer center runs properly (Penman, 2001). For the company to consider the cancer center projects as economically viable they must be able to recover the capital costs. To test the ability to recover the capital the approximate number of patients expected per annum must be known. Trinity plans to charge an oncology discharge fee of $70,000. The gross charges per radiation treatment are $450 and the gross charges per Chemo treatment are $ 600. The collection is expected to be 35% and the ratio of cost to charges is 30%. Therefore, the costs incurred in ay oncology discharge will be $21000. The remaining $49 000 will be considered as revenue. Therefore, us ing the projected number of discharges the total revenue will amount to 18,718,000. The revenue from radiation oncology will be equal to 1,228,500 and the revenue from chemo treatment will be 1,260,000. However, the collections made by the trinity medical facility are 35% of the total revenue. This amounts to 7,422,275. Therefore, company will make over $18, 718, 000 in five years. This shows that the company is doing a viable business. However, their amount of collection will be lower than the capital invested. To determine further financial viability of the project financial ratios such as return on capital invested need to be calculated. However, to calculate more ratios, a complete financial statement for various years is required (Souvik, 2006). Target market Cancer centers provide care to a variety of cancer patients. Among the most affected are the people aged between the ages of 65 and older. Cancer is more common in these patients than in the younger generation. Therefore, the major target market for the cancer center will be the older generation. However, the target market is not limited in to the older generation. Cancer is affecting even the young generation in the current world. In this light of events, cancer centers should also target the younger generation affected by the disease. In general, a cancer center should focus on all the cancer patients. In addition to this, the cancer center should target the whole community to educate them. References AAMC (2007). Forecasting the Supply of and Demand for Oncologists. American Society of Clinical Oncology, 10 (7), 9-130. American Cancer Society ‘ACS’(2011). Cancer Facts and Figures. American Cancer Society Inc, 12 (2), 3-60. American Cancer Society ‘ACS’ (2012). Cancer Facts and Figures. American Cancer Society Inc, 12(2), 3-68. American College of Surgeons (2009). Commission on Cancer: Cancer Program Standards 2009. Web. Beecham, H. (2010). Trends in International Healthca re. Web. Lappin, A. M. (2010). Women’s Health: Strategies for Superior Service Line Performance. HealthLeaders Media, 20 (12), 5-48. National Cancer Institute ‘NCI’ (2004). Radiation Research Program. Web. Penman, S. (2001). Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Souvik, D. (2006). Case Studies on Market Entry Strategies. Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta: ICFAI Books. Watson, T. (2011). Global Medical Trends. Global Medical Trends Survey Report, 7 (2), 1-9. This coursework on Service Line Development was written and submitted by user Jasper Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
FTC and Paxil essays
FTC and Paxil essays Patenting constitutes the best way to secure intellectual property from undue commercial exploitation by others. The United States government allows the original inventors of any product or concept to patent it for a period of 17 years. During this period other competitors cannot duplicate, create or sell the patented product. Though patenting protects the hard earned results of the original inventor it has a crippling effect on the society at large. Patenting creates a monopolistic market, which is not consumer friendly at all as it gives more market power (domination)to the firm. Any idea or invention is useful to the society only when it is easily accessible and affordable. Patenting seriously limits the scope of the product or invention. Alongside patenting, health care industry is seriously affected by tariffs and import and export restrictions on generic Theoretically all monopolies are profitable for the firms while consumers are at a great disadvantage. However in the case of Paxil there are some serious legal infringements. Paxil continues to heap huge profits for GlaxoSmithKline because the company manages to extend the patent indefinitely by claiming and securing new patents for the different ingredients used in the drug. It is estimated that Paxil earns around $4.4 million each day that it manages to prolong its monopoly by keeping the SmithKline's revenue from the sale of Paxil amounted to $2.1 billion in 1999 which can be attributed the monopolistic market it enjoys. If a bottle of Paxil costs $ 50 then SmithKline has sold 42000000 bottles in 1999 alone, which is a measure of the huge demand for the product. It is natural for the firm to prolong the monopoly in order to amass huge profits that accrue from a non-competitive market. As we discussed earlier the longer the monopolistic trend is prolonged the greater the profits for the ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
SAT Test Dates 2015 - 2016
SAT Test Dates 2015 - 2016 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips We present information about SAT test datesfor the 2015-2016 school year here. We also link to our top articles that you must read before deciding on a test date. Table: 2015-2016SAT Test Dates and Deadlines The 2015-2016 school year's test dates, normal registration deadlines, late registration deadlines, and score availability are posted below. Test Date NormalDeadline Late Registration Online Score Release October 3, 2015 September 3, 2015 September 22, 2015 October 22, 2015 November 7, 2015 October 9, 2015 October 27, 2015 November 26, 2015 December 5, 2015 November 5, 2015 November 23, 2015 December 24, 2015 January 23, 2016 December 28, 2015 January 12, 2016 February 11, 2016 March 5, 2016 * February5, 2016 February 23, 2016 May 10, 2016 May 7, 2016 * April 8, 2016 April 26, 2016 June 14, 2016 June 4, 2016 * May 5, 2016 May 25, 2016 July 12, 2016 * = New SAT Test Dates for all tests March 2016 and forward - see note below The College Board administers the SAT on Saturdays, with more tests offered in the fall. If you can't take the test on Saturday for religious or other reasons, Sunday alternate dates are usually available. Visual Calendar of 2015 and 2016 Dates You shouldn't just put down the next date that's available. To choose the best test dates for you personally, we have created a full guide for you for SAT test date selection. First, here arefour test date factors you should consider. Second, you should plan ahead and think about whether you want to take the SAT more than once. (Note: the chart below is based on older predictions, so while the test dates are accurate, refer above to the offical table for exactly accurate Normal and Late Deadline Dates) (C) 2015 PrepScholar Inc, Use with Link to Allowed You can clearly see a few things immediately: SAT test dates are very tightly clustered in the fall. In Spring 2016 the dates were much more spread out, with the exception of May/June. It's difficult to take two SATs in a row: by the time the score comes out, the late registration date has already passed. Besides, you'll want to prep to make the most of a re-test. Warning: SAT Test Dates May ChangeSign up to Receive Free Updates // What's Next? The next step after you've figured out which dates you want is to register for the SAT (read our step-by-step instruction here). Also, if you want to score well, you should consider the different ways to prep for the sat. We consider the pros and cons of different prep methods with our free ebook. Notes about New SAT and Accuracy All the SATsfrom March 2016 forward are in the New SAT (out of 1600) format. Since these tests were still being actively developed by the College Board, they were especially liable for fluctuation - even after official College Board annouces them formally. Last minute College Board date changes can and do happen historically, so we encourage you sign up for our free notifcation through our blog. We'll keep an eye on changes so you don't have to! Other Articles You May Be Interested In Future Years' SAT Test Dates How to Choose the Best SAT Test Dates (updated!) Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Friday, February 14, 2020
Royal Opera House analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Royal Opera House analysis - Term Paper Example d analysis of the entire organization, products, uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses of it as a business model, and other imperative sectors which will enable others to understand how this organization functions and targets its demographic in order to serve the public by meeting cultural desires of the people for entertainment and also to provide jobs for those who are employed by the ballet and opera house as performers. The organization itself is a series of different theaters, both inside and outside that are home to the ballet, opera, and orchestra and also show many other performances. Not only is there an entertainment sector, but there is also an educational sector that serves as a program for young and promising dancers and musicians to further their knowledge in hopes to try their own personal talent. The students are coached as if at a school and become more formally educated than they would at a public or private school in London. The Royal Opera House is one of the top theaters in the world. While there are numerous other theaters in the area, many are much smaller than the Royal Opera House. This organization is supported by patrons, donors, and even grants. However, additional income is earned through the bars and restaurants that are included within the Royal Opera House. Another portion that serves as a fundraising opportunity for the organization is the gift shop which offers products both for sale onsite and also on the Internet. Music and the arts as a source of entertainment is very popular in this area. Located in the City of London, it is a place where not only locals but visitors can attend performances all year long. Many of the productions are targeted toward elitists. However, many of the programs produced at the Royal Opera House are starting to focus more on the youth. One recommendation is that the Royal Opera House continue to market toward the youth both as performers and as audience members. This is an excellent
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Public policy-making and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Public policy-making and analysis - Essay Example Michael Lipsky gave an argument that the implementation of policy, will in the end return to people who are responsible for implementing the policy (Lipsky, 1980). Michael Lipsky further argues that employees of the state, such as social workers, and the police are always regarded as part and parcel of a policy making community. These people are also regarded as implementers of political power. On this basis, Lipsky (1980) denotes that street level bureaucrats are people responsible for interacting with citizens on a daily basis, and they provide a force behind the laws and the given rules in their various areas of expertise. On this basis, this bureaucrat includes state officials who are always below the rank, and they have the opportunity of daily interacting with regular citizens. This paper gives an evaluation of the significance of these street level bureaucrats in the implementation of a government policy. Jones (2013) denotes that a policy is a set of protocols or principles responsible for guiding decisions regarding the methods to use for purposes of achieving a rational outcome. Jones (2013) denotes that one of the major significance of street level bureaucrats in the implementation of a policy is that they are accessible to the public, and citizens of the state. It is important to denote that street level bureaucrats consist of the police, health workers, social workers, and government officials who interact with citizens on a one to one basis. On this basis, these bureaucrats are able to make a representation of the frontline of the policy of the government. For example, scholar denotes that when a police officer carry’s out a security operation, with an aim of mopping out terrorism cells, then the officer under consideration only implements a government policy regarding fighting terrorism. Another example includes a situation whereby a school
Friday, January 24, 2020
Source 1: Essay -- essays papers
Source 1: This article discusses the future role of the library media specialist, which describes that they need to have a bigger role in education. Many believe that librarians are the original specialists so they call it â€Å"the information perspective†(Lowe, 2000). This is where the library media specialists look at the curriculum, assignments, and learning in terms of information resources, processes, and technologies required for student success. The library media specialists are going to be the â€Å"pioneers†in teaching information skills and integrating technology skills to the information for problem-solving process (Lowe, 2000). Gary Hartzell, a professor at University of Nebraska, â€Å"believes that the library specialists should participate in decisions affecting technology and the curriculum at the school districts.†Technology is increasing everyday, which is changing the role of educators as well as education. As technology is increasing, there is a greater need for information, libraries, and technology in the schools. Some steps for the library media specialists are to learn and absorb, which means they find information and share it with their colleagues. Secondly, get involved in the information and technology program. Lastly, be a leader, take an active role in decision making and planning. This article described many good ideas for the future of education involving library media specialists. Technology is increasing and they can be very helpful with information for students as well as other teachers. The article discussed many good examples how the specialists could get involved. I liked to see that they can help take a look at the curriculum, assignments, for student’s success. For the most part of ... going to be a huge success in the future. I believe that this will help children out and improve children’s achievement. It is good that they have a curriculum for all ages and they do not focus on one age group. They are also focusing on the main subjects such as math, science, and geography. They are also making sure that the professionals are equipped and have enough information and resources to teach the children. References Fording, L. (2004, March 30). Education, 21st Century-Style. Newsweek. [OnlineNewspaper]. URL Lowe, C. (2000, November). The Role of School Library Media Specialist in the 21st Century. In Eric Digest [Online]. URL NASA. (2005, February 15). Classroom of the Future. [WWW document]. URL
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Back of the Bus Theory
Why do African Americans still continue to sit towards the back of the bus 60 years later? It is a very baffling question that deserves an answer. History tells us through well scripted documentation dating back to the civil rights movements of Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks; that African Americans were determined to be treated as equal human beings and demanded their place in society through non-violent protests. With these facts still lingering in the minds of pioneers and elders of a generation almost completely extinct, an individual has to wonder; could this be the long-term results of a particular type of mental programming, or is it considered cool amongst a lost generation to sit towards the back of the bus now? During an era where African Americans were not considered equal by the majority of whites in the southern states, it was difficult to maintain in a time of injustice, inequality, and uncertainty. Most, if not every establishment in the south, had become completely segregated, and to be born an African American during those times was considered a sin punishable by man-made laws that swore to protect and serve the American people. African Americans were considered second rate citizens, who were bullied and made examples of on a daily basis; none of which, has changed much given our present conditions. Now you probably might be thinking; what does this have to do with African Americans and the back of the bus theory? Subconsciously, African Americans have reverted back to and are taking their rightful place near the rear of the society. Sounds crazy, but does this only occur in urban areas, or maybe this is something that travels beyond the inner-cities? What is the cause of such non-coherent behavior within a race that struggled for years in solving such a problem? Is this problem fixable and if so, how do we get to the root? African Americans have been programmed to think, respond, and act in such a manner without even being aware of it taking place. Thus, the classic and operant conditioning of the mind can reach full potential without any disruption from the test subjects. For example, when African Americans were brought to America several hundred years ago and traded as slaves and so forth, they had to be broken of all positive and mental spirits. As time passes, slave owners and masters rebuilt the slave mind; supplying and relaying only the necessary information to the test subject to be carried out. This is done to ensure control is maintained at all times, thus maximizing the work output, and minimizing the escape count. But like most experiments conducted on humans beings (e. g. Monarch Programming, Mk-Ultra) it tends to suffer from some sort of glitch over a period of time and the results can be devastating. The unconditioned stimulus and response along with the conditioned stimulus and response plays a major role with most if not all African American teenagers and young adults who travel on life’s public transportation system. Identity is hard to acquire when young adults are constantly swarmed by outside influences, and personal experience tends to be the best teacher when searching for one’s own self. The same way fashion trends are set by major corporations and followed by most if not all Americans; are the very same techniques used when seat selection comes into play for our generation. Now analyze this fact, Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up during the mid-late 1950’s due to inequality and injustice of this system. This would be considered the unconditioned stimulus. She refused to adhere to certain rules, guidelines, and regulations set forth, and the publicity generated from this never before seen uprising sparked controversy amongst her African American peers to follow suit. The uprising in African Americans is considered the unconditioned response in this particular case. The conditioned stimulus is simple to identify. The refusal of Rosa Parks paired with the civil rights protest of that era would result in the famous boycott of the Alabama public bus system thus creating the conditioned response. If this is known to be true, then why have African American teenagers and young adults adapted the back of the bus mentality after all of this has taken place? Scientists and researchers love to conduct experiments when faced with situations that have multiple answers. If your child has uncontrolled and irregular bowel movements, you consult with your local physician; he/she will run test to determine the cause, where and how it originated, and propose to you options for resolution. Sometimes these solutions are on point, and sometimes they misdiagnose the symptoms. The solution that was proposed during the days of Rosa Parks was obviously temporary or misdiagnosed considering personal opinions and views. People say once you learn how to ride a bike you never forget, well what if someone never taught you how to ride a bike would you know how to ride one? Animal instincts are something that we as human beings possess naturally; so in order for an individual to understand one’s actions, we must look towards the instructor who has influence over the individual majority of the time. This will definitely determine the individuals’ behavioral patterns, and ultimately speaks on who that person will become in the future. The nature and nurture theory solidifies that statement. So, how does this coincide with African Americans and the back of the bus theory? Take police dogs for instance, they are use for a variety of missions, but the key point here, is that these specific creatures are trained day in and day out to be aggressive and attack on command. With this being stated, human beings can become mentally trained to perform specific tasks on command through the subconscious without being fully aware; hence the back of the bus theory. In conclusion, the experiences of our past can change our future if we choose to alter it. What our values, aspirations, and goals are can definitely be a deciding factor in where we choose to sit on life’s public bus.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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